var Delaunay; (function() { "use strict"; var EPSILON = 1.0 / 1048576.0; function supertriangle(vertices) { var xmin = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, ymin = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, xmax = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, ymax = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, i, dx, dy, dmax, xmid, ymid; for(i = vertices.length; i--; ) { if(vertices[i][0] < xmin) xmin = vertices[i][0]; if(vertices[i][0] > xmax) xmax = vertices[i][0]; if(vertices[i][1] < ymin) ymin = vertices[i][1]; if(vertices[i][1] > ymax) ymax = vertices[i][1]; } dx = xmax - xmin; dy = ymax - ymin; dmax = Math.max(dx, dy); xmid = xmin + dx * 0.5; ymid = ymin + dy * 0.5; return [ [xmid - 20 * dmax, ymid - dmax], [xmid , ymid + 20 * dmax], [xmid + 20 * dmax, ymid - dmax] ]; } function circumcircle(vertices, i, j, k) { var x1 = vertices[i][0], y1 = vertices[i][1], x2 = vertices[j][0], y2 = vertices[j][1], x3 = vertices[k][0], y3 = vertices[k][1], fabsy1y2 = Math.abs(y1 - y2), fabsy2y3 = Math.abs(y2 - y3), xc, yc, m1, m2, mx1, mx2, my1, my2, dx, dy; /* Check for coincident points */ if(fabsy1y2 < EPSILON && fabsy2y3 < EPSILON) throw new Error("Eek! Coincident points!"); if(fabsy1y2 < EPSILON) { m2 = -((x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2)); mx2 = (x2 + x3) / 2.0; my2 = (y2 + y3) / 2.0; xc = (x2 + x1) / 2.0; yc = m2 * (xc - mx2) + my2; } else if(fabsy2y3 < EPSILON) { m1 = -((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)); mx1 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0; my1 = (y1 + y2) / 2.0; xc = (x3 + x2) / 2.0; yc = m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1; } else { m1 = -((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)); m2 = -((x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2)); mx1 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0; mx2 = (x2 + x3) / 2.0; my1 = (y1 + y2) / 2.0; my2 = (y2 + y3) / 2.0; xc = (m1 * mx1 - m2 * mx2 + my2 - my1) / (m1 - m2); yc = (fabsy1y2 > fabsy2y3) ? m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1 : m2 * (xc - mx2) + my2; } dx = x2 - xc; dy = y2 - yc; return {i: i, j: j, k: k, x: xc, y: yc, r: dx * dx + dy * dy}; } function dedup(edges) { var i, j, a, b, m, n; for(j = edges.length; j; ) { b = edges[--j]; a = edges[--j]; for(i = j; i; ) { n = edges[--i]; m = edges[--i]; if((a === m && b === n) || (a === n && b === m)) { edges.splice(j, 2); edges.splice(i, 2); break; } } } } Delaunay = { triangulate: function(vertices, key) { var n = vertices.length, i, j, indices, st, open, closed, edges, dx, dy, a, b, c; /* Bail if there aren't enough vertices to form any triangles. */ if(n < 3) return []; /* Slice out the actual vertices from the passed objects. (Duplicate the * array even if we don't, though, since we need to make a supertriangle * later on!) */ vertices = vertices.slice(0); if(key) for(i = n; i--; ) vertices[i] = vertices[i][key]; /* Make an array of indices into the vertex array, sorted by the * vertices' x-position. */ indices = new Array(n); for(i = n; i--; ) indices[i] = i; indices.sort(function(i, j) { return vertices[j][0] - vertices[i][0]; }); /* Next, find the vertices of the supertriangle (which contains all other * triangles), and append them onto the end of a (copy of) the vertex * array. */ st = supertriangle(vertices); vertices.push(st[0], st[1], st[2]); /* Initialize the open list (containing the supertriangle and nothing * else) and the closed list (which is empty since we havn't processed * any triangles yet). */ open = [circumcircle(vertices, n + 0, n + 1, n + 2)]; closed = []; edges = []; /* Incrementally add each vertex to the mesh. */ for(i = indices.length; i--; edges.length = 0) { c = indices[i]; /* For each open triangle, check to see if the current point is * inside it's circumcircle. If it is, remove the triangle and add * it's edges to an edge list. */ for(j = open.length; j--; ) { /* If this point is to the right of this triangle's circumcircle, * then this triangle should never get checked again. Remove it * from the open list, add it to the closed list, and skip. */ dx = vertices[c][0] - open[j].x; if(dx > 0.0 && dx * dx > open[j].r) { closed.push(open[j]); open.splice(j, 1); continue; } /* If we're outside the circumcircle, skip this triangle. */ dy = vertices[c][1] - open[j].y; if(dx * dx + dy * dy - open[j].r > EPSILON) continue; /* Remove the triangle and add it's edges to the edge list. */ edges.push( open[j].i, open[j].j, open[j].j, open[j].k, open[j].k, open[j].i ); open.splice(j, 1); } /* Remove any doubled edges. */ dedup(edges); /* Add a new triangle for each edge. */ for(j = edges.length; j; ) { b = edges[--j]; a = edges[--j]; open.push(circumcircle(vertices, a, b, c)); } } /* Copy any remaining open triangles to the closed list, and then * remove any triangles that share a vertex with the supertriangle, * building a list of triplets that represent triangles. */ for(i = open.length; i--; ) closed.push(open[i]); open.length = 0; for(i = closed.length; i--; ) if(closed[i].i < n && closed[i].j < n && closed[i].k < n) open.push(closed[i].i, closed[i].j, closed[i].k); /* Yay, we're done! */ return open; }, contains: function(tri, p) { /* Bounding box test first, for quick rejections. */ if((p[0] < tri[0][0] && p[0] < tri[1][0] && p[0] < tri[2][0]) || (p[0] > tri[0][0] && p[0] > tri[1][0] && p[0] > tri[2][0]) || (p[1] < tri[0][1] && p[1] < tri[1][1] && p[1] < tri[2][1]) || (p[1] > tri[0][1] && p[1] > tri[1][1] && p[1] > tri[2][1])) return null; var a = tri[1][0] - tri[0][0], b = tri[2][0] - tri[0][0], c = tri[1][1] - tri[0][1], d = tri[2][1] - tri[0][1], i = a * d - b * c; /* Degenerate tri. */ if(i === 0.0) return null; var u = (d * (p[0] - tri[0][0]) - b * (p[1] - tri[0][1])) / i, v = (a * (p[1] - tri[0][1]) - c * (p[0] - tri[0][0])) / i; /* If we're outside the tri, fail. */ if(u < 0.0 || v < 0.0 || (u + v) > 1.0) return null; return [u, v]; } }; if(typeof module !== "undefined") module.exports = Delaunay; })();